Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Wednesday, October 10 Hamlet film day 1

Introductions returned today; get working on the paper.  Length 500-750 words. Don't forget a correct MLA heading.

If you are having problems, contact me. Ask a question!

In class: you are watching the film Hamlet.

You will have several questions to answer while you are watching the movie; they are listed below, but I will also distribute them in class.

Hamlet Film Questions 1

Begin to pay attention to the sequence of events in the film.
When compared to the play, identify three scenes that are listed out of order.

In updating the film from the play, why did the screenwriters turn Fortinbras from a political figure into a corporate giant?
How does this affect your understanding of the character?

During the soliloquy: “O, that this too, too sullied flesh would melt,” why does Hamlet include footage of Ophelia in his family movie montage?
What does this mean, based on what Hamlet is saying in this scene?

Why do you think the ghost doesn’t make his first appearance in the opening scene of the film?
Why did film makers decide to start the play when they did?

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