We are in the library today writing on Black Boy. You will not have access, nor time, to reference your book. Specifically, you were given a heads-up on Tuesday to select one or two incidents in Wright's biography and make a connection to a similar historical or contemporary situation. It may be personal. Make sure you describe the situations vividly. (active verbs, descriptive adjectives) The parallels need not be situational, but may focus on theme. You should have a minimum of 300 words. Send along when you are finished or drop it off on my desk BEFORE SCHOOL on Friday, after which time, you will receive only 65 points. Grades are good this marking period; keep it up. The rubric for this is based on content, organization, language use (vocabulary), language conventions (capitalization, subject /verb agreement, punctuation)
Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology choices
Aaron- Jonas Keene page 45
Kathy- Yee Bow 45
Chris- Jack McGuire 20
Austin- Doctor Meyer 12
Ariana- Harold Asmeet 22
Nick- Rev Lemuel Wiley 56
Tamia- Rosie Roberts 63
Miranda-Mrs. Purkapile 65
Heidi- Hortense Robbin 69
Tiana- Mrs. Merrit 9
Chrishell- Lyman King 101 or Willy Kennniston 114
Katherine- Smith 2 9
Joe- Columbus Chief 8
Zadejiah- Nelly clark 28
Ashli- Amelia Gerick 55
Jamichael- Roscoe 65
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