Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday and Tues, December 10/ 11...poetry presentations

In class: we will begin the poetry presentations, which were assigned last Wednesday.

See Friday's blog for the rubric.

DueThursday, December 13: The first of Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter assignments. No late material can be accepted, as the chapter and associated material is what we will be working on that day.

Below is the third time this following material has been posted.

The Scarlet Letter  by Nathaniel Hawthorne                      study guide questions and due dates. As we will be covering the material on the due date, no late material will be accepted.  If you are participating in a school event, the work is due by class time. You may always send along the work ahead.  Plan your schedule.

Thursday, December 13  Scarlet Letter    chapter 1 and 2 pages 45-56

All responses are to be in complete, well-written sentences that should be able to stand independently. That means when the response is read, the question is implied.  If textual evidence is required, it will be noted.
1. (TEXT) What do we know about the values of "the founders of a new colony [who] have invariable recognized it among their earliest practical necessities to allot a portion of the virgin soil as a cemetery, and another portion as the site of a prison?"
2. Compare the attitude of the "God-fearing gentlemen", the "autumnal matron" and the "young wife, holding a child by the hand" towards Hester's punishment.
3. (TEXT) Describe the other countenance Hester saw as she stood on the scaffold.
4. Had Hester been a Papist she would have been an "image of Divine Maternity"? What is Hawthorne suggesting of the character in giving us this picture? (Check blog for an image)
Short in class response for Thursday, December 13.

Discuss how the following excerpt from chapter 1, The Prison-Door relates to Romanticism.
“…on one side of the portal, and rooted almost at the threshold, was a wild rose-bush, covered, in this month of June, with its delicate gems, which might be imagined to offer their fragrance and fragile beauty to the prisoner as he went in, and to the condemned criminal as he came forth to his doo, in token that the deep heart of Nature could pity and kind to him.”

Friday, December 14  Chapters 3 and 4 questions pages 56-72

1. (TEXT) What specifically does the "white man, clad in a strange disarray of civilized and savage costume" do to indicate to Hester that she should not acknowledge that she knows him?

2. (TEXT) Describe Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale.

3. (TEXT) How does Roger Chillingsworth calm the baby and Pearl in prison?

4. What is Chillingsworth response to Hester's not revealing the identity of her paramour?

Monday, December 17 Chapters 5 and 6  pages 72-90

Chapter 5:

1. (TEXT)What does Hester become to general public in giving up her individuality?

2.(TEXT) Give two reasons why Hester does not leave the community.

Chapter 6

3. (TEXT) What is the significance of Pearl's name?

4. (TEXT) Describe Pearl's physical attributes and personality.

5.  For what two reasons has Hester come to the governor’s hall?

Tuesday, December 18 Chapters 7 and 8 pages 91-107

1.       For what two reasons has Hester come to the governor’s hall?
2.      (TEXT) How exactly does Pearl respond to Mr. Wilson's question as to who made her?
3.      Who does Hester ask to speak for her in defense of her keeping the child?
4.      (text) Chillingsworth wishes to "analyze the child's nature" so as to discover the father, but Mr. Wilson thinks that "profane philosophy...and better to fast and pray upon it." According to him, what is the advantage of not knowing the father's identity?

Wednesday, December 19 chapters 9 and 10 pages 107-126
1.      (TEXT) What has Chillingworth not “come forward to vindicate his claim?”
2.      (TEXT) What had the leech learned while in his Indian captivity?
3.      (TEXT) According to the town’s folk, what was the reason for Mr. Dimmesdale’s poor health?
4.      (TEXT) Why does Chillingworth know that he will discover the source of Dimmesdale’s illness, if he watches his patience carefully?
5.      Discuss Chillingworth and Dimmesdale’s views on Pearl and how they relate to Romanticism. Support this through the text.

 Thursday, December 20….we are in the library lab
Friday, December 21…class play day.
Wednesday, January 2, chapters 11-24 pages 126-235
Chapter 11 The Interior of the Heart  pages 126-133
1.      (TEXT)How does Reverend Dimmesdale feel about Chillingsworth?
2.      (TEXT)How does the congregation view the popular Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale?
3.      How did the minister punish himself?
   Chapter 12. The Minister’s Vigil pages 133-144
1.      What “vain show of expiation” does the minister perform?
2.      Who joins the minister?
3.      What does Pearl ask of the minister and how does he reply?
4.      (TEXT) What appears in the sky and how does it appear?
 Chapter 13 Another view of Hester 144-151
1.      How and why had the public’s perception of Hester changed in seven years?
2.      The narrator ascribes Hester’s physical change from having”turned…from passion and feeling to thought.” Make a philosophical parallel.
3.      How had Hester’s sin impacted Pearl?
4.      (TEXT) Why does Hester resolve to meet with Roger Chillingworth?
Chapter 14 Hester and the Physician 152-157
1.      When Chillingworth informs Hester that the “scarlet letter might be taken off [her] bosom”, she responds, “It lies not in the pleasure of the magistrates to take off this badge.” What does she mean with this statement?
2.      (TEXT)Why won’t Chillingworth stop torturing Dimmesdale?
Chapter 15  Hester and Pearl 158-164
1.      (TEXT)How did Pearl occupy herself by the water?
2.      Describe Pearl’s interactions with the scarlet letter.
   Chapter 16  A Forest Walk 164-170
1.      (TEXT) While in the forest, what does Pearl observe of the sun in relation to Hester?
2.      (TEXT) How does Pearl personify the brook?
3.      (TEXT) How does the minister look when Hester encounters him on the path?
Chapter 17  The Pastor and his Parishioner 170-179
1.      (TEXT) How does the narrator describe Hester and Dimmesdale when they first meet along the path?
2.      Dimmesdale is clearly suffering. Why does he think Hester suffers less than he?
3.      How does the minister react when Hester tells him about Roger Chillingworth?
4.      What does Hester tell Dimmesdale she will do with him?
Chapter 18  A Flood of Sunshine 179-185
1.      (TEXT) What does Hester do, once she and Dimmesdale had made their plans?
2.      (TEXT) Describe what Hester does next/
3.      The minister observes, “I see the child…Yonder she is, standing in a streak of sunshine, a good way off, on the other side of the brook.” Explain this statement in terms of Romanticism.
Chapter 19 The Child at the Brook-Side 185-192
1.      Why will Pearl not cross the brook?
2.      (TEXT) How does Pearl treat Dimmesdale?
3.      What does she do when he kisses her forehead?
Chapter 20  The Minister in the Maze 192-202
1.      What arrangements does Hester make for her departing Boston?
2.      Give two textual examples of how the minister’s behavior has changed?
3.      (TEXT) Of what has Chillingworth become aware in regards to the minister.
Chapter 21 The New England Holiday 202-211
1.      (TEXT) How were the people in the market place different from the previous generation?
2.      Why is” Roger Chillingworth…seen to enter the marketplace, in close and familiar contact with the questionable vessel?”
3.      Of what does the master of the vessel inform Hester?
Chapter 22 The Procession 211-221
1.      List the order of the procession. (Check by paragraph)
2.      What does Mistress Hibbins tell Hester?
Chapter 23 The Revelation 221-229
1.      Describe the scene on the scaffold. Intersperse with textual material.
Chapter 24  Conclusion 230-235
1.      What became of Hester?
2.      What became of Chillingworth?
3.      What became of Pearl?

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