Thursday, October 11, 2012

Friday, Octiber 12 Hamlet film day 3

As we had unexpected testing today, we will be finishing up the film on Tuesday, rather than Monday. However, please note below.
. Your papers are due Monday, October 15 at the beginning of class. Send it along early, if you wish. Please make sure you are thorougly familiar with the expectations as to inserting textual evidence. Again, each paragraph- and you have five-one for each act, plus your introduction and a conclusion- should have a thesis statement or controlling idea, that is a statement that clearly tells the reader what the point is you are trying to make. As well there is supporting evidence taken directly from that act, a personl paraphrase (remember that when you paraphrase you never use the same words that are in the quote. Also, it's ok to write more than one sentence to paraphrase) and an analysis statment that explains why this is significant in terms of thesis in your introduction. How does it support your chosen theme? What does it say about the character? How does it move the plot along?

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