Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wed, March 13 Prezi information

Note that the novel Ethan Frome is available on line, if you have left your book at school.
Homework for Thursday: please read through chapter 3, page- 66; expect a quiz
Homework for Friday, March 15: please read through page 87- chapter 4- again, expect a quiz
Homework for Monday, March 18: read through page 128, chapter 7...yup, content quiz
Homework for Tuesday, March 19- finish novel.
Prezi sample

Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton                              Prezi Presentation.
DUE MONDAY, March 25
At this point everyone should be registered with a Prezi account. As well, be sure you have familiarized yourself with the process by watching the short videos.  Once you begin working on your Prezi, make sure you save it to your Prezi account. It will be accessible from any computer, and this is how you will present in the classroom.  You will not be able to save it to a school site or a jump drive.
Now, what are you going to do with this? Rather than an analysis paper, you are going to demonstrate your in-depth knowledge of the novel  Ethan Frome through a Prezi.
1.       What do you need to have in your Prezi?  The format that will express your understanding will be through literary elements. They are, of course, character, plot, theme, tone, setting, point of view, dialogue and figurative language devices, such as metaphors, similes and imagery.  These are interconnected. For example, tone is created through the other elements.
2.        Keep in mind that the literary style we are looking at here is Naturalism.  Below is a summary that compares it to Realism.  There are four main characteristics of naturalism in literature. 
•The main characteristic of literary naturalism is pessimism, where a character tends to repeat a phrase having a pessimistic outlook, which sometimes emphasizes the inevitability and quality of death.
•Detachment from the main story is another characteristic of literary naturalism. The author tries to maintain an objective tone and sometimes achieves detachment or change by introducing nameless characters. This focuses mainly on the plot and character rather than focusing on the character only.
•In determinism, which is the third characteristic of naturalism in literature, the notion that individual characters have a direct influence on their lives is replaced by a focus on fate or nature and is the opposite of the belief of free will. The author makes the reader believe that the fate of the character has already been predetermined by certain factors, especially environmental factors and he can do nothing to change it.
•One common characteristic of literary naturalism is the surprising twist at the end of the plot. There is a strong sense in the naturalist stories and novels that nature is not affected by human struggle.
3.       Realism vs Naturalism in Literature
        Though naturalism and realism are inter-related, they are different from each other. Here are a few differences between realism and naturalism:
•The history of naturalism in literature can be traced back to the nineteenth century and naturalism was supposed to be the extreme form of realism. As compared to romanticism and realism, naturalism is a more recent movement in the literary cycle.
•The focus of realism is on literary technique, whereas naturalism connotes a philosophical pessimism, where writers apply scientific method to their writings and depict human beings as an objective and impartial character.
•Realism portrays things the way they might appear to be, while naturalism shows a deterministic view of a person's life and actions.
•Realism shows that a person's decision is based upon his response to the situation, whereas naturalism concludes that a person's decision is predetermined by natural forces that make him act in a certain way

To begin your Prezi, start with the essential question. You will randomly choose one.

1. How is the eponymous Ethan Frome emblematic of a character found in Naturalism?

2. How is symbolism employed by Wharton to portray the characters of Zeena, Mattie and Ethan?

3. How does Wharton’s repetitive use of imagery contribute to character development in Ethan Frome?

4. How are sound and voice interwoven in Ethan Frome?

5. What roles do women play in Ethan Frome's life?

6. How does the natural environment impact the character's personalities and behaviors?

To build your argument, you will focus on literary elements. This is where you need to be both knowledgeable and creative.  As with a paper, each paragraph will have a thesis  (this is your essential question),supporting material (textual evidence) and an analysis.   Your paragraphs are your sections of your Prezi.  Within each section, you must include an image(s), textual quotes, comments and / or video. This last may be something you film and insert.  In terms of the analysis statement, this may be spoken when you actually give your presentation.

Suggestions: look deeply into the text.  Look beyond the literal for your images. (Do not include a cover picture of the novel) Try your own photography or filming.
Grading: demonstrating that you know the text thoroughly.
Correct use of the Prezi program
 Answered the essential question.
 Included quotes and images
 Creativity and imagination.
Very Important! Obviously, everyone will not be able to present on Monday, March 25. However, everyone is required to turn in a detailed outline of their Prezi presentation. This will consist of your essential question, followed by the specific points you are using to support it and quotes from the text. These need not be full sentences, but must be specific words or phrases.

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