Thursday, September 27, 2012

Friday, Sept 28 Hamlet Act III questions

Missing soliloquy response due yesterday:
   absent; please turn in: Allison and Aaron
Did not turn know the grade!
Austin, Chris and  Nicolas
If I made an error, please let me know
In class: Act III questions with a partner.
Due Tuesday October 9   vocabulary 2
Test Tuesday October 2 on Hamlet vocabulary 2
Partners Acts II and III
                                                                     ACT II                                 ACT III                                                           
Barbarita, Joseph                             Aaron                                Ashli
 Brendze-Brownlie, Aaron              Joseph                           Allison                                  
 Giles, Ashli                                       Allison                                Joe                          
 Haberberger, Allison M                 Ashli                               Aaron
 Highsmith, Ariana                         Katherine                      Tamia
 Johnson, Katherine J                   Ariana                              Austin
 Jones, Tamia                                Austin                                 Ariana
 LaFond, Austin P                          Tamia                               Katherine
 Leggette, Tianna                        Chishell                              Nalia
 Marble, Chrishell                       Tianna                                Miranda
 Morales, Nalia                             Miranda                            Tianna                   
 Murphy, Miranda                       Nalia                                  Chrishell                            
 Nguyen, Kathy                             Tarek                                Chris
 Persad, Tarek D                           Kathy                                 Sierra
 Peterkin, Christopher                 Sierra                                 Kathy
 Robinson, Sierra N                       Chris                                  Tarek
 Schadt, Heidi                                 Nicolas                            w/ Joe and Ashli                     
 Staggert, Nicolas                           Heidi                               Zadejah
 Wilson, Zadejah            w/ Nick and Heidi                        Nick
Hamlet Act III study questions ......These will be covered in class on Friday, using your text.If you are absent, you are responsible for turning them in for class participation grade.

1. Polonius gives his daughter Ophelia a book to read as a distraction whilst
waiting for Hamlet. The subject of the book is about “an exercise may colour
Your loneliness. We are oft to blame in this,--
'Tis too much proved--that with devotion's visage (visage - face)
And pious action we do sugar o'er
The devil himself.” (III.I.51-55)
Explain the meaning of these lines and their irony in being said in the presence of Claudius.

Hamlet initially denies having loved Ophelia when she returns his love letters.
Where does he tell her to go, how should she behave if she does not go there and finally, where from are these words provoked?
Read over III.i.131-62.

3 Ophelia is distraught and Claudius is piqued. This kid is not in love, but trouble.
Where does he intend to send him and for what reason? see III.i.176-89.

4. Hamlet is giving the travelling players some new lines- as well as acting advice;
albeit one may say, he’s somewhat arrogant, his words are hallmarks of good acting.
List a half-dozen qualities of fine acting; then state what ultimately is the purpose of acting.
See III.ii.1-45.

5. The play within the play. What is the quiddity (essence) of this piece
and how does Claudius react/? See III.ii.253-95.

6. What is Hamlet’s reaction to Guildenstern’s pestering him
about the prince’s behavior to his uncle and mother? III.ii.378-402.

7. Hamlet is off to have a chat with his Mum. What are his intentions?

8 How does Claudius feel about his own crime? What does he physically do?
III.iii. 40-5.

9 Why does Hamlet decide not to kill Claudius now? When would be a better time?

10 What does Hamlet do, when he hears the noise behind the arras? III.iv.28-9.

11. Paraphrase the potent descriptions that Hamlet uses to compare his father to his uncle. . Why is it impossible for his mother to be in love with Claudius III.iv.63-98The ghost appears, or is it a figment of the prince’s imagination?
What does he tell Hamlet? And how does his mother react? III.iv. 118-56.

12. Explain these words of Hamlet: “I must be cruel, only to be kind.” III.iv.194-200

13. Hamlet is about to head off to England along with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
How much does Hamlet trust these schoolfellows and what is in the sealed letters? III.iv.225-8)

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